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Cropped Image Of Conductor In Orchestra

Music Conducting Portfolio


Peter has held the following posts as Musical Director (MD) or Guest Musical Director (GMD)

International Liberation Choir (Market Garden 75) (2019), GMD

Costanzi Consort (2017 - present), MD

City of Bath Bach Choir (2016), GMD

Cardiff University Chamber Choir (2016-present), MD

St Catharijne Cantorei, Brielle (2015-present), GMD

Spectra Musica (2014 - 2020), MD

Coro di Teatro Comunale, Bologna (2010), GMD

Harmonia Sacra (2009 - present), MD

Cappella Fede (2008-present), MD

Collegium Singers (2008-2016), MD

Tallis Voices (Wells) (2007-present), MD

Aylesbury Choral Society (2004-2014), MD

Eszterhazy Chamber Choir and Orchestra (2002), GMD

Coro Euridice, Bologna (2005 and 2010), GMD

Bristol Philharmonic Orchestra (2005), GMD

Royal Scottish National Orchestra Chorus (2002-3), GMD

City Chamber Orchestra of Hong Kong (2002), GMD

Chandos Chamber Choir, London (2002-2004), MD

Frideswide Ensemble of Oxford (1999-2009), GMD

Bristol Bach Choir (1999-2008), MD

City of Oxford Choir (1998-2005), MD

Cathedral Singers of Christ Church, Oxford (1997-1999), MD

The Song Company (1996), GMD

Tasmanian Symphony Orchestra (1994), GMD

The Tudor Choristers, Melbourne (1994-95), MD

St Peter's Cathedral, Adelaide (1994-1995), MD

Melbourne Youth Orchestra (1990-1992), GMD

Adelaide University Choral Society (1994-1995), MD

New Holland Baroque Chamber Orchestra (1993-1995), MD

The Handel Bande, Melbourne (1992), MD

Ensemble Eszterhaza, Melbourne (1990-1995), MD

Libra Contemporary Ensemble (1991-1993), MD

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